Welcome to
Iridescent Forest Counseling
Hello everyone!
Iridescent Forest Counseling (N):
Iridescent - showing luminous colors that seem to change when seen from different angles.
Forest - an area of land dominated by trees or a large area covered chiefly with trees and undergrowth.
Forest (Life) - every tree in the forest has their journey in life, they experience challenges (e.g. strong winds, flooding, natural disasters, losing leaves, branches falling off etc.) and overcome them in their own way individually, and collaboratively with other parts of the forest.
Iridescent Forest Counseling represents one’s ability to discover deeper about oneself and unmask their true self when one explores different angles to their life . In counseling, with support and guidance, together we can explore, heal, and grow areas of the tree that were dormant, bruised, and/or undiscovered; giving yourself the opportunity to recover and show the luminous colors that exist or hidden within you as you journey through the life.
Hi everyone! I am Jasmine Arrusamy and I am a Licensed Professional Counselor in Oregon. I am here to work with tweens, teens, adults and parents to offer support through your journey in life.